Scandic Lillehammer Hotel
2-3 June 2025

Welcome to WEXFO Youth Voices 2025
WEXFO Youth Voices is a great opportunity for students to learn about freedom of expression, engage in discussions, and truly express themselves. With its “festival-style character”, WEXFO Youth Voices promises a day of excitement, featuring various arenas.
The event runs parallel to the WEXFO freedom of expression conference, which gathers defenders of freedom of expression fom all over the world.
By participating in WEXFO Youth Voices, students get a unique opportunity to:
- Discuss and reflect on current issues related to freedom of expression.
- Learn how to express their opinions in a constructive and democratic manner.
- Meet engaged youth, experts, and artists who inspire active community participation.
- Experience how art, music, and culture can be powerful tools for expression.
Festival program
The program for WEXFO Youth Voices is developed in collaboration with WEXFO’s youth group, which consists of representatives from secondary and high schools in Lillehammer. This year, we have further developed the program and tailored the approach for each grade level to ensure that the experience and learning outcomes are even better.
This year, the youth will, among other things:
- Meet the Palestinian rap artist Mohammed El-Susi.
- Experience artists from UKM Innlandet and meet other prominent guests.
- Participate in specially tailored workshops with Stopp Hatprat, FN-Sambandet, Utøya, Solidaritetsungdommen, Voksenaasen, artists, authors, and more.
A detailed program will be published closer to the event. Each class will receive a tailored program for their participation in WEXFO Youth Voices.
Extension of educational program
WEXFO Youth Voices is also an extension of the educational program “Equal Opportunities,” which has been developed by Lillehammer municipality and offered to schools prior to the festival. This educational program provides students with a solid academic foundation and preparation, ensuring they get the most out of their participation at WEXFO Youth Voices.
How to participate?
Would your class like to participate in WEXFO Youth Voices? Please send an email to project manager Hilde Fauskerud Hansen to register: hilde@wexfo.no
The event is free for school classes.
WEXFO Youth Voices Collaborators
It is important that everyone listens to the youth, because if you don’t, you discourage us from taking part and engaging. Even though we don’t know everything, neither do you.
Snorre Fostervoll, Student and member of WEXFO Youth’s working committe 2023
“World Expression Forum is the most interesting place to be for everyone who is interested in freedom of expression”
Anette Trettebergstuen
Former Minister of Culture and Equality
WEXFO Youth Voices is an event about freedom of expression where youth can learn, discuss and express themselves through workshops, activities, and panel talks.
Youth Voices was arranged for the first time in May 2023.
Lillehammer – our conference city
The World Expression Forum takes place annually in Lillehammer, Norway, in May/June. Norway ranks highly on Freedom of Expression indexes. The town of Lillehammer is a UNESCO City of Literature, an ICORN city of refuge for artists at risk and host of the biggest literature festival in Scandinavia. The city, the region (Innlandet) and the country are committed to supporting freedom of expression around the world.