
Supporting free and independent media in Ukraine: Lessons learned and the way forward


Tuesday 23 May 

09:30 – 10:50, Lillehammersalen 2

Ukraine’s goal is to develop in the direction of a stronger democracy with press freedom, free speech, and transparency.

How can the international community best provide support to a country in war and for a future Ukraine with a stronger democratic framework?

At this roundtable meeting, we will invite key stakeholders to share lessons learned from the last year’s support to Ukraine and to look for tools for the way forward.


Charlotte Harder


A Norwegian Press Association and Norwegian Media Association (Norsk Presseforbund og Mediebedriftenes Landsforening) side-event at WEXFO 2023


Oksana Brovko

Oksana Brovko

CEO at Association of Independent Regional Press Publishers of Ukraine

Søren Liborius

Søren Liborius

Lead Advisor, European External Action Service

Erling Rimestad

Erling Rimestad

Secretary of State

Rimestad has extensive experience from the foreign service, and has thematic responsibility for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ work with human rights.

Randi S Øgrey

Randi S Øgrey

CEO of the Norwegian Media Business Association (MBL) the member organization for most of mediehouses in Norway


Joanna Krawczyk

Joanna Krawczyk

Deputy Director, Marshall Fund East (GMF)