An Unpredictable Dialogue After Ages of Violence and Hate

May 28, 2024

Charlie Hebdo editor Gérard Biard meets NRK journalist Espen Aas in a conversation onstage, where he will reflect on the state of censorship and freedom of speech in our time.

“Nowadays, in liberal democracies, censorship is no longer a state prerogative. It strikes mainly from private structures. It serves multinationals such as Facebook or Google, which do not want to upset their precious users, who are monetizing data. It becomes a weapon used by associations militating for the defense of strictly sectarian interests, or by groups of purity fanatics on the lookout for the slightest deviance, or even by mere individuals who believe that their emotions or their choices take precedence over any other societal or political consideration,” Biard said in a statement to World Expression Forum earlier this year.

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