Deeyah Khan

Deeyah Khan

Documentary film director and producer Deeyah Khan has won two Emmys, a BAFTA, an RTS and two Peabody Awards in over a decade of making empathetic and unflinching films which deal with some of the most important and polarising issues confronting the world today;...
Gérard Biard

Gérard Biard

Gérard Biard has been writing for Charlie Hebdo since 1992. He has been editor-in-chief since 2004. He fights racism, antisemitism, sexism, and bad musical tastes. He defends french laïcité — wich is different than secularism — and gender equality without religious,...
Mohammed Taha

Mohammed Taha

A vibrant writer & peacebuilder championing human rights. ✍️ With words as tools and dialogue as the solution, I’m on a mission to craft narratives that bridge divides, uplift voices, and forge a world where justice and peace prevail for all...
Mihael Kovač

Mihael Kovač

Miha Kovač is professor at the University of Ljubljana. In publishing part of career, he was editorial director in the two largest Slovene publishing houses and editorial director of Slovene edition of National Geographic Magazine. He is the author of more than fifty...
Carlos Egaña

Carlos Egaña

Carlos Egaña (1995) is a Brooklyn-based Venezuelan writer. He recently earned his MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish at New York University. He has taught courses at the Department of Humanities of Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, and at the high-school level in...