Saurav Das

Saurav Das

Saurav Das is an independent investigative journalist based in Delhi, India, with a keen focus on law, governance, judiciary, and crime. He is also a transparency activist and ardently advocates for open governance and institutional accountability. Saurav actively...
Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew

Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew

Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the ‘Three Generations of Digital Rights’ project funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Prior to that, he was a Sessional Academic and Tutor at the Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia. Dr Ayalew is...
Morshed Mishu

Morshed Mishu

Morshed Mishu is a cartoonist & Artivist from Bangladesh. He does social & political activism through art. From cleaning dirty canal & roads to removing dirty politicians from the chair, Mishu has always used his cartoon, art as a tool of activism. He’s...
Hiqmat Sungdeme Saani

Hiqmat Sungdeme Saani

Hiqmat Sungdeme Saani is a gender, communications, and digital transformation professional from Ghana with a passion for using technology to advance freedom of expression, digital rights, and gender equality. Growing up in a region where access to education and free...
Emmanuel Ganse

Emmanuel Ganse

In Benin, Emmanuel GANSE works to raise awareness among young people about non-violence education and conflict mediation techniques. This involves organizing training workshops for youth, women, and police officers to discuss their roles in preventing violent...