WEXFO 2025
The Year of Resistance
2-3 June, Lillehammer, Norway
“A gathering of champions of human rights and solidarity”
Irene Kahn
UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and opinion
Upcoming events
WEXFO 2025
Lillehammer, Norway
2-3 June 2025
Utøya and Lillehammer, Norway
30 May-4 June 2025
Lillehammer, Norway
30 May-4 June 2025
Lillehammer, Norway
2-3 June 2025
Lillehammer, Norway
4 June 2025
Vision: World Expression Forum will empower and defend freedom of expression as an absolute precondition for democracy and human progress.
Mission: World Expression Forum unites defenders of freedom of expression in a strong and active global community. As a catalyst for change, we aspire to give new generations the power, freedom, and safety to express themselves.
Who are we(xfo)?
“To me, freedom of expression means the right to self-expression on your own terms” – WEXFO board member Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor
Our shareholders
Advokatfirmaet Thallaug, Aller, Alrow Media ApS, Amedia, ARK, Aschehoug, Association of American Publishers (AAP), Associazione Italiana Editori (AIE), Bokhandlerforeningen, Bonnier Books, Bonnier forlag, Börsenverein, Brazilian Book Chamber, Cappelen Damm, Childpress, Civita, Creo, C.H Beck Verlag, De norske bokklubbene, Den norske forleggerforening, Egmont, Eum Publishing House, European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF), Fagpressen, FEP – Federation of European Publishers, Filmforbundet, Finnish Publishers Association, Forbundet frie fotografer, Forfatterforbundet, Forlagshuset Vest, Forlagsfinans, Groep Algemene Uitgevers (GAU), Grafill, Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen, Gyldendal, Hamar Arbeiderblad, Human Rights Foundation, International Publishers Association, Kagge, Lillehammer kommune, Lillehammer kultur, Mediebedriftenes landsforening, Mimeta, Must, Nansenskolen, NOPA, Norli, Norsk bibliotekforening, Norske dramatikeres forbund, Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening, Norsk Litteraturfestival, Norsk musikkråd, Norsk PEN, Norsk presseforbund, Norsk skuespillerforbund, Norsk teater- og orkesterforening, Norstedts, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, NTB, Odd Øie, Piratförlaget, Polaris Media, Publishers Association UK, Riksmålsforbundet, Sahoipyoung, Samlaget, Schibsted News Media, Stiftelsen Lillehammer museum, Stiftelsen Tinius, Svenska Förläggareföreningen, Syndicat national de l'édition, Tidningsutgivarna, Torleif Dahls kulturbibliotek, TV 2, TV 2 Skole, Vigmostad og Bjørke, WAN-IFRA
We invite you to subscribe to shares in WEXFO (you are welcome to buy more than one!)
Please contact kristenn@wexfo.no if you want to buy share(s), or for any further information.
We all carry a responsibility to make sure that the right to freedom of expression is upheld. Freedom of expression comes with both rights and responsibilities. This is a constant investment in the democratic fabric of our societies.
Laila Bokhari, academic, diplomat, politician
Lillehammer – our conference city
WEXFO takes place annually in Lillehammer, Norway, in May/June. Norway is one of the countries in the world with the highest degree of freedom of expression, according to Freedom of expression index (Our World in Data). Lillehammer is a UNESCO City of Literature, an ICORN city of refuge for artists at risk, and is the host of the biggest literature festival in Scandinavia. Both the city, the region (Innlandet) and Norway as a country are committed to supporting freedom of expression around the world.