Khaled Emam

Khaled Emam is a Human Rights lawyer and an international human rights specialist. He is the Executive Director of Justice Call, a non-profit focused on empowering and protecting young people in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Before that, Khaled served as a Co-Chair of The United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development (UN IANYD), where he played a key role in fostering youth engagement and participation in the UN system and beyond. Khaled spoke about human rights, justice, and peace in several major events and forums, such as the UN General Assembly – the High-Level Political Forum, the International Criminal Court (ICC), the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum, and institutions including Stanford University, Shanghai Open University, Ohio State University, Groningen University, and Harvard University. Khaled’s work focuses on “Making Democracy Works,” – including through building democratic networks and coalitions in the MENA region that aim to protect civic space and make the region more inclusive, just, and free. Khaled is furthering his research and understanding of the issues by pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where he focuses on Democracy, Politics, and Institutions. Khaled also has a Master’s in International law from Cairo University.

Participating on these events
Participating on these events

This is a long title about something very important – a speech about free speech

When: Tuesday april 5th, 13:00–15:00
Language: English