Nazifa Jalali

Nazifa Jalali

Nazifa Jalali is from Zabul, Afghanistan, living in Harstad, Norway. Jalali is a religious scholar and writer. She is the deputy director of CRCO and member of the HRD+ Network. She has worked in 28 provinces of Afghanistan with national and international NGOs. She...
Özgür Gür

Özgür Gür

Özgür Gür has dedicated himself to defending lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) rights. At the university in Ankara, he and the LGBTI+ Solidarity Group organized campus Pride marches successfully for years. When the university banned the march...
Søren Liborius

Søren Liborius

Mr. Søren Liborius is Chief Advisor from the Danish Foreign Ministry serving with the EU External Action Service, Brussels. He is focusing on strategic communication countering disinformation & manipulation. With a broad background in diplomacy and crisis...
Charlotte Harder

Charlotte Harder

Charlotte Harder is Head of Communications and Press, Danish Union of Journalists. Before, she has worked for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, and 3 years as a reporter in Washington DC, covering US politics, economics and life. She also used to be a EU...
Marlon Julian Nombrado

Marlon Julian Nombrado

Marlon Julian Nombrado is one of the co-founders of Out of The Box (OOTB) Media Literacy Initiative, a Philippines-based educational nonprofit that creates innovative learning tools and experiences that foster media literate Filipinos. Along with Out of The Box, he...