Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa confirmed to WEXFO
This year's winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Maria Ressa, will be one of the speakers at the first World Expression Forum. Maria Ressa is the co-founder, CEO, and executive editor of Rappler.com, an online news organization in the Philippines. Ressa has been honoured...
Main themes for the 2022 WEXFO conference
The aim of the World Expression Forum conference is to provide participants and listeners, including audiences online, with tools and ideas on how to promote freedom of expression. This will be pursued through the exploration of four main themes. The conference will...
Green light for the project Youth’s Participation in Society
We are happy to announce that World Expression Forum has been granted a donation of 3 million NOK from the Savings Bank Foundation DNB (Sparebankstiftelsen DNB). This means that our project, Youth’s Participation in Society, will be realised. We highly appreciate that...
In an age of dictators and trolls – strategies to promote and defend Freedom of Expression
Managing director Kristenn Einarsson about the need of World Expression Forum.
Meet WEXFOs program committee
Meet the commitee that will set the agenda for WEXFO 2022.
Our congress hotel
The event will take place at Lillehammer hotel, the largest meeting point in the region.
Get your congress pass today
Get your full conference pass to a Very Early Bird price.