
World Expression Forum is pleased to have Hilde Fauskerud Hansen, Andreas Gjone and Julia Dietze join the team in important roles in our organisation.

Hilde is our Project Manager for WEXFO Youth:

– I am fortunate to be able to work with something as important as freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is a necessity for a well-functioning democracy. It is important to create a safe and good platform for expressing opinions, and it is especially important to create such a platform for children and young people. I’m particularly looking forward to collaborating with young people and working with them to create activities that facilitate freedom of expression. It is important that children and young people are heard and taken seriously.

Andreas is our Communications and Marketing Manager:

– I am excited to contribute to strengthening World Expression Forum as a platform for freedom of expression and a clear voice locally, nationally and globally. Freedom of expression is a prerequisite for democracy and sustainable development. Together with my experienced colleagues at WEXFO, I will contribute to uniting and promoting defenders of freedom of expression, with the aim of also creating a safe environment for future generations to speak and express themselves freely.

Julia is our Producer:

– Creating safe spaces for dialogue and discussion about how to preserve and improve freedom of expression is very important, especially in today’s world. The World Expression Forum has been an incredible example of such a safe space for defenders of freedom of expression from all over the world. I am very excited to be part of this year’s edition of the World Expression Forum.

Photo of Hilde: Kari Utgaard/GD